The 9th March is a very special date for all us Nerazzurri, it's the date back in 1908 when a group of people created the greatest football team in the world as they broke away from the other Milan team to become a multi ethnic team with players from all around the world, a tradition that still stands true to this day. So to all the people that insist on moaning that Inter hasn't many Italian players, that's exactly what we're about!

So where did it start? 103 years ago we were a group of Italian and Swiss gentlemen,the Swiss were immigrants to Italy in those days. Football was a big thing in them days as much as it is today, AC Milan already existed but we wanted nothing to do with them.

Then on that evening on 9 March 1908 these men met up for dinner at a restaurant near the Cathedral. Muggiani, the artist, was there and he showed us the badge. It was black, blue and gold.

We thought we could play football, English football; and as we weren't all Italian we decided to call ourselves Internazionale.

'Brothers of the World', we wrote in the statute.

The following year we won the first of our 18 league championships. Since then we have reached the highest peaks in Europe and in the world. As well as our 18 league titles we have won The Coppa Italia 6 times, the Italian Supercup 5 times, the UEFA cup 3 times, the Champions league 3 times, 2 Intercontinental cups and the World Club Cup once, these credentials have placed Inter as one of the worlds elite clubs.

Inter's greatest season came last year when we won 5 of them trophies and became the world, European and Italian champions under the management of the "Special One" Jose Mourinho.
Who are Inter? They are still same people as all those years ago, if we think about it. We have great faith in the passport of champions, which has brought so many honours to our trophy room, though a lot has changed over the years.

Now we speak lots of languages and are in touch with tens of millions of fans throughout the world, but they have held on to that hand-painted badge, even in the days when computers can provide us with standardised graphics.
Now that many generations have lived through two world wars with us, through the glory of many victories as well as the barren years, now that we have lived through a dictatorship that forced us to call ourselves Ambrosiana, that we have been taken into a new republic, in a rebuilt Milan, and through a '68 that never lost faith in football, now, in 2011, we can thank them, the founding members, who foresaw what we would become.

It's not just about the football though, now that 10,000 children throughout the world wear our shirt in the name of Inter Campus, as we try to give them back their smile on the dusty pitches where abandoned children are the norm, we aren't so different. The many charitable causes Inter and it's players support means they can give back to all those around the world less fortunate than us.

103 years old today. They haven't been easy. We've taken brave stances for the good of common sense, not that it has always been good. We are honest and forward-thinking. We started by living an adventure and we are still living it. To make Inter great. Then as now.
There have been many names along the way. Players, coaches, directors, presidents.

The Moratti family, perhaps one name above all in our 103-year legend. And the fans. So many of them, vast numbers spread throughout the globe – a reflection of the times in 2011 – with different languages, races, religions and traditions, but all united by a common faith. Black, blue at the edge of the night. With a splashing of gold. And it began on that evening on 9 March 1908.
We salute those forward thinking men from so long ago that created this club of ours that gives all us Interista so much passion and emotion and here's to the next 103 years of glory and standing up for what is right!
Inter we love you!!!
- Posted by UK Interista
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